Event - QLD Cake Expo 24-26th August
Event - QLD Cake Expo 24-26th August
We will have a big range of our Culinary Stencils on display and for purchase. As well as a range of our decor and craft stencils for decorating your boards and displays. Qld Cake Expo - Cakes, Cake Competitions, Cake Decorating Classes, Demonstrations And More!
Friday 10am - 4pm
Saturday 9am - 4pm
Sunday 9am - 4pm
Logan Entertainment Centre
170 Wembley Rd, Logan Central QLD 4114
Entry Fees
1 day @ door or online $15.00ea
3 day @ door or online $40.00ea
Students 12 - 18yrs and Aged Pensioner concession $12.00ea
11 years and under - Free
Purchase your Entry Ticket Online Today
Free Parking
If you would like more information please send us a message info@mystencillady.com
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